Monday, April 4, 2016

Insult Haiku

I love you a lot.
You are fun and super cool. 
Ha, I'm just kidding.

Nature Poem

Within nature there are many beautiful things

Almost as beautiful as diamond ear rings 

Nature is everything's home 

It is where the animals roam

Monday, January 11, 2016

An Unexpected Day (My short story.)

An Unexpected Day 
By:Drew Martin  
In a small cabin a few miles out from Los Angeles a man named Cameron Mornoh was sleeping peacefully in his bed when suddenly the ground shook and a bright flash from the direction of the city awoke him.
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      “What was that?” he wondered, while running to turn on the news.
      No local stations were broadcasting so he tried different stations until finally he found a station from a different area that said the flash was some kind of explosion from the center of the city and cause unknown amounts of damage. Cameron then remembered that his family that lived there were on vacation and was safe but he remembered his best friend Christie Lyles lives near the center.
    “Hopefully she is alright,” he thought.
     He waited until morning to hear more about what happened. He turned on the news the next morning and found out that the explosion was caused by a secret underground nuclear plant and the explosion was much bigger than he had thought originally.
    “Things like this never usually happen around here,” Cameron said to himself.
    He then called Christie, but nobody picked up. He became worried and decided to pack some things including: a knife, a handgun, some extra food and a gas mask and go find Christie. The news said almost the entire city was radiated and the criminals had become more violent because most of the civilians and police had fled the city. The military had surrounded the city so nobody went in except for rescue patrols. Hearing that didn’t stop Cameron from trying to find his friend. So he set off towards the city. When he arrived he said to the police,
    “My friend is in there and I need to find her. May I please go in?”
    The policeman said,
    “Sorry, I am not allowed to let anyone in that is not authorized.”
    Cameron then said, “But I need to make sure she is okay.”
The policeman replied, “You can’t go in there. I’m sorry.”
      Cameron then turned around and waited until dark to sneak past the guards. When he got through he thought to himself that he never would have imagined that he would ever sneak past the military into a radiated city full of rampant criminals, but half the city exploding wasn’t normal either. After he sneaked past them, he stayed hidden all the way to the edge of the city. He noticed that there weren’t any police or military men anywhere to be seen inside the city. He then started towards Christie’s house. When he was close to her house some thugs attacked him and took his gun and his food before he could escape. When he arrived at Christie’s house it was boarded and locked up so he couldn’t get in. He eventually found a way in and called for Christie,
    “Hello, are you here Christie?”
     At first, he didn’t hear anything, but after a while of calling he heard a voice. It was Christie. He followed the noise to a room with a bed. Underneath the bed there was a trapdoor. He opened the door and found an underground room.
    “Christie! I found you. Are you okay?”
     “I’m okay, but I never expected anything like this to happen here.” She said.
    “I didn’t either, but we need to get out of here,” Cameron replied.
     So they set off towards Cameron’s house. On the way the thugs Cameron met earlier were yelling and running around. Cameron heard one of the thugs say something about bombs around the city about to go off. When they heard this they started to run but were captured by the thugs. The thugs tied them up next to one of the bombs and ran out of the city. On the bomb was a timer set to thirty minutes. They both struggled to get out but couldn’t.
    “Never thought I would be tied up next to a bomb,” Cameron said.
     “Me neither.” Christie replied.”
     Fifteen minutes past before Cameron realizes he still had his knife. He attempted to cut himself free. Finally he cut his rope and broke free. He then helped Christie out and they both started to run because there was only ten minutes until the bombs went off. As they were approaching the edge of the city they heard the bombs explode but were far enough away so they didn’t get injured.
    “I can’t believe we made it,” Cameron said as they were walking to his house.
    “Why would something like that happen here?” Christie asked.
    “I don’t know. I don’t think anyone expected anything like that to happen. The only thing we can do now is wait for the military to take back the city and rebuild the destroyed parts,” said Cameron.
     “Ya, I guess we should get home.” Christie said.

     When they got home and the door slammed shut Cameron realized it was all a dream and woke up with a sigh of relief. A few seconds later the ground shook and he saw a bright flash…

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hello this is my blog and I am going to post stuff here.